local search engine optimization in lancaster, pa

  Search Engine


Free Search Engine Rankings Report



  • Complete check of keyword rankings in the search engines
  • Analysis of social media presence
  • Define Your Main Keywords (Products/Services)
  • Define Your Demographic Customers
  • Target Your Exact Geographic Area


  • Join Targeted Groups in Social Media
  • Create monthly videos
  • Create monthly Image Links
  • Create Text Links
  • Marketing to your demographic & geographic customers


  • Create business pages in social media platforms
  • Brand Major Social Media Platforms
  • Post Videos, Images, Text to Social Media
  • Establish Links to Various Pages of Your Website
  • Establish Page 1 Rankings on Google

Why are you not on page 1? (Instant Download) Website and Search Engine Analysis

While business owners try with great tenacity to figure out why they are not on page 1 of Google, it simply is not that easy.

This tool will produce an immediate comprehensive report showing optimization problems within your website.

Our team will also produce a full search engine rankings report to determine where you are ranking in the search engines for your major keywords.

Search Engine Optimization Benefits


By starting with the above free website analysis, you will have a complete understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your website, your search engine rankings, and optimization problems within your website and social media that is prohibiting you from advancing in the search engines.

Local Marketing

Ranking on page 1 of Google for your main keywords in your geographic area is one of if not the strongest online marketing strategy.

Done correctly, your business can benefit from both social media exposure, and page 1 search engine rankings.



Most business owners realize that the search engines and social media should represent a large percentage of new business for their companies, but does it?

Proper branding, website optimization, and social media presence will give you that growth.




Local search engine optimization focuses on specific SEO strategies that allow our team to rank your major keywords on page 1 of Google for the specific geographic areas you desire.

As you look through our site, you will see many of the results we have obtained for our clients. Those results usually start with one or two geographic areas and increasing the radius every few months.

It all starts with a no cost analysis below of your website and search engine rankings.


We start with a complete analysis of national competitors to determine how long it will take our team to achieve page 1 rankings nationally.

We begin the SEO process by obtaining page 1 rankings in several local geographic areas to obtain the necessary authority from Google to obtain national rankings.

Once we obtain the proper authority and links needed, we with to national marketing to obtain the desired results.

Our Search Engine Optimization team


We have a firm belief in close communication with our clients. You will have a dedicated project manager that will keep you in close touch with the strategies, and the results we are obtaining on a monthly basis.

Your project manager will review your goals and maintain communication as our SEO team implements your strategies.


Our goal is to listen and understand the exact results you are looking to obtain from your website, SEO, and social media marketing. Specific strategies are then put in place to reach the specific goals you are looking to achieve. Your project manager will send you a link to our file share system allowing you to view all our work, results, analytics and the increase to your search engine rankings.


Website development companies have one thing in mind, designing a professional website. As a marketing firm, our goal is to become your permanent marketing company that oversees your website, SEO, social media marketing, and any other type of marketing needed to reach your business goals.

It's very important that our team takes the time to understand every aspect of your business.


About Us

J&M Marketing Consultants was founded in 2006. Prior to that point, the partners had worked in marketing for a combined 23 years. It has always been our goal to ensure that our clients business progresses when under our watch.